
Haven of Bones

Haven of Bones

By Beata Huntington

Bury me in the forest where the greenery grows thick

Water my bones
and sow them with moss,
shrooms, and lilies

Mark my grave with faery rings
and make it into something tranquil and sweet

May it be a haven for goblins, gremlins, witches, woodland creatures
and the likes man has never seen

Water my bones with your tears
and sow them with your sorrows,
pain, and hurt

Bury your broken soul deep in the dark earth

May it be overgrown with moss,
may your veins be filled with rainwater,
and your lungs swell with the sweet wisps of gentle wind

May you grow, and heal, and learn that you are loved

And may you find your love for life here in the quiet depths of forest and moss

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