
Our Lady of Plastic

Your rosary is made of the same white

plastic as the hangers we used to use as bow

and arrows when we were playing Indians.


I remember being afraid you’d break

the hanger as you pulled it back.

You always had the hook face down

because you thought it made

it look more like a point.


We drew war paint on each others faces

with washable marker. I don’t remember

when we found out it was wrong. Watching

you paused outside Saint Anne’s feels like standing

on our parent’s bed and realizing that

we’d pulled the hanger into a square:


You don’t even have to think about the

words to the Hail Mary anymore even though I

know you’re not sure you believe in

praying to saints like that, which is why you

haven’t prayed a rosary and noticed that it’s

made of the same plastic as the hangers we

used as bow and arrows when we used to

play Indians which we used to think was okay.


Margaret Voetberg

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