
How to Distinguish Yourself as an Artist

I recently came across a quote from Chuck Wendig. “The easiest way to separate yourself from

the unformed mass of “aspiring” writers,” he says, “ is to a) actually write and b) actually finish.

That’s how easy it is to clamber up the ladder to the second echelon.”

If you think about the amount of people who aspire to write—or commit to any work of art,

really—there are far fewer people who actually finish what they start. That’s what Wendig gets

at with his idea. Just finish what you start. Okay, so it’s that easy to transcend the plane of

“aspiring” writers to the heavenly domain of artists who complete their work. Then why can’t

most people achieve their goal?

According to Steven Pressfield, there’s a whole host of reasons why people fail to achieve their

artistic endeavors, which he outlines in his book, The War of Art. Pressfield identifies Resistance

as the number one inhibitor of creative activity; it’s the force that whispers in your head, “I’ll

have more time for this tomorrow,” and “My art will never be good enough,” and “I don’t feel

well, I can’t work on this now.” All of which are invalid excuses for someone who wants to

complete an artistic work. If you, aspirer, are anything like me, you know that “tomorrow” you

won’t have the time. If I don’t write now, I never will.

If you struggle to find the motivation to fulfill your artistic endeavors, check out The War of Art.

It’s inspiration at its finest.

All this is to say: Pick up that pen, that paintbrush, or that camera. If you’re going to finish your

art, you have to start it first.

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