
Sensing Prayer

I pray for the eyes 

that have seen 

a noose hanging in their garage.


I pray for the noses 

who have smelled 

the eye watering antiseptic of a hospital.


I pray for the ears 

who have heard

a bullet make contact with metal lockers.


I pray for the hands 

who shake as they try 

to hold up the world.


I pray for the mouths 

who have tasted 

blood, bile, and bitterness.


I pray for the eyes 

who have seen 

the first green bud after a long white winter.


I pray for the noses 

who have smelled 

a soft newborn swaddled in their arms.


I pray for the ears 

who have heard 

a koel sing in the rain. 


I pray for the hands 

who have touched 

a stray wave in the ocean.


I pray for the mouths 

who have tasted 

sweet grass with fresh dew dripping.


I pray with every sense, 

for every sense, 

to He who created every sense.


By Madelynne Baughman

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