
Beginning of the Semester News

Students of Hope, the first editorial meeting for Opus, Hope College’s student literary magazine, is coming up quickly! The meeting will be held on Thursday, September 19th, at 7:00pm-8:30pm, in Lubbers room 224. We will be reading the first batch of print submissions. All are welcome! Come when you can; leave when you have to.

Meetings will continue every Monday and Thursday (at the same time and place) until late October.
IMPORTANT: DEADLINES HAVE BEEN EXTENDED TO SEPTEMBER 21ST AT 11:59PM! Let’s try to get a few more pieces polished and ready to go by Saturday.

The logo contest is still in progress! Send a digital image of your logo to us at opus@hope.edu before September 28th at 11:59pm. If your logo is chosen, you’ll win a prize and get your design on all Opus publicity material.

Just a reminder: you do not need to be an English major or have any specific writing or artistic experience to participate. You only need an open-mind to consider the students’ pieces and a willing voice to discuss them. Hope to see you at a meeting!

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