foreign By Eileen Ellis there must be a word for this voice that tells me if only I could peel myself into long strips of papier-mâché then I might not run the tips of my fingers across my chin and down my shins leaving the inverse of freckles every day thinking surely the moon didn’t […]
formation By Liliana Fraser-Shade you are an impossible little bundle knit between my ribs breathing, pulsing some sick-sweet replica of my own heart a ceramic imitation of the body i used to know all bones all paper all skin all grief, digging itself into the small of my back and slithering its way
too personal, Fall 2021, Solange Fingleton, Graphite & Paint
In the Kitchen at the End of March By Claire Buck With the side of my thumb I crack their brittle skins, slice and slip sticky greens from their centers— If my weeks-old onions could scratch me a message on the pale undersides of their papers, they’d say, “Plant us in the ground, woman! Can’
Valentine’s day, Fall 2021, Parker Johnson, Digital Art
A City so Nice, They Named it Thrice, Fall 2021, Katie Shantz, Ink, colored pencil, & collage
Untitled By Kylie Sneller Deep within the Northern woods, the journey should you make, beneath the cover of tall oak trees sits a cottage beside a lake. A stone fireplace upon one wall, on the mantle rest empty picture frames. Whoever once walked those halls, no one remembers their names. Evid