Date: November 2021

foreign By Eileen Ellis there must be a word for this voice that tells me if only I could peel myself into long strips of papier-mâché then I might not run the tips of my fingers across my chin and down my shins leaving the inverse of freckles every day thinking surely the moon didn’t […]

formation By Liliana Fraser-Shade you are an impossible little bundle knit between my ribs breathing, pulsing some sick-sweet replica of my own heart a ceramic imitation of the body i used to know all bones all paper all skin all grief, digging itself into the small of my back and slithering its way

Untitled By Kylie Sneller  Deep within the Northern woods, the journey should you make, beneath the cover of tall oak trees sits a cottage beside a lake. A stone fireplace upon one wall, on the mantle rest empty picture frames. Whoever once walked those halls, no one remembers their names. Evid


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