Date: November 2021

Emergency Delayed By Abigail Doonan  “Name please.” “Abigail D-O-O-N-A-” “Okay. Please wait.” Pulse. A man holding his child, sleeping. A homeless guy and a police officer. “Abigail.” Me. “Can you rate your pain on a scale from 1-10?” Silence. “6?” What if I’m overexag

When I Looked By Noel Vanderbilt I drew a breath, for the world gleamed golden and I saw an old man walking with a camera clasped in gnarled palms. (Click-clickety-click the shutter snapped.) And I saw an old man walking. I wonder, did he capture the splendor of the sun. (Click-clickety-click the sh

Sundays By Kallen Mohr i’ve learned not to go out on Sundays lest the crushing weight of loneliness drag me down to the hard linoleum in the frozen food aisle and I forget how to walk lest I suddenly become self aware of my actions past and present under bleaching fluorescent lights that make a [&


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