Things might have been different, but they could not have been better. -J.R.R. Tolkien, “Leaf by Niggle” I met you in a foreign land, where you told me I am what could have been. Around us the rain fell in shades of lavender and cool blue bubbles that popped on contact with our skin. [&hellip
We rented the house just north of Blissfield, the alley kitchen made for many traffic jams, though the only horns that would blare trumpeted the readiness of rosemary rye. The guest bedroom sweetened with sawdust, your cedar stain waging an aromatic war against my window silled peppermint.
Up is like down when I lie on my back: hang my head off the bed, stretch my legs up as high as they’ll reach on the cool wall. Hear my mom warn that the moisture from my toes will tarnish the paint. Do it anyway. Let my arms dangle down till the skin stretches […]
By Emma Gail Compton I made the table I eat dinner at. The wood was cheap but sturdy. The stain I chose is a dark oaky red and makes the small round table seem more expensive than it was. One could find something similar at any store, but this table, my table, I made. I […]
By Julia Voyt Pages and pages of 12 size Times New Roman are bled across the paper feverishly, introductions and statistics under methods and conclusions. Not eating food and my bicep is smaller this week I talk faster to my family and I write, write, write. The earth outside smells different and sw
By Fara Ling Ah Ma, A few weeks ago, I realized I have never written Ah Ma a letter. That means I have never told Ah Ma I love you. There’s no way to say it in Hokkien, Ah Ma’s mother tongue. Forcing the syllables wa ai lu to sit next to […]