Music and Poetry
Hi everyone! My name is Claire and I am the new prose editor for Opus, and I’m so excited about this position because Opus is awesome, but you already knew that! Something I have been thinking about a lot lately is music. More specifically, the fact that its two dimensional art. For most types of music, the artist not only has to be skilled with their instrument, but they also have to be a poet. And even more that that, they have to make the two parts fit together flawlessly. I have learned a lot about poetry during this semester at Opus, and I have a much greater appreciation for it now. And with this, I also have a much greater appreciation for songwriters. It’s basically the same thing except 100 times harder. One song I found during break makes me especially aware of the connection between poetry and music. Television by You Won’t. If someone had submitted it to Opus, I would have passionately fought for its admittance. Just reading the words out loud have rhythm, and the repetition of the line “it all ends the same” is so interesting because it means something new every time, which I have learned is essential to repeating lines in poetry. I was really taken by this song, and with how much I have learned thanks to Opus. I hope the next time you hear a song with great lyrics you remember that it not only is a great song, but also a great poem.

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