Hello, everyone! This is Sadina again, one of the co-editors. Abby and I have finalized our dates for next semester! Here is what you need to know! (And yes, the calendar is backwards, but that’s just how we do at Opus!)
Tuesday, April 26 – Opus Soup!!!
Thursday, March 17 – potential meeting
Tuesday, March 15 — Meeting at 7 pm
Thursday, March 10 — Meeting at 7 pm
Tuesday, March 8 — Meeting at 7 pm
Thursday, March 3 —- midterms — Meeting at 7 pm
Tuesday, March 1 —midterms — Meeting at 7 pm
Thursday, Feb 25 — Critical Issues Symposium — Meeting at 7 pm
Tuesday, Feb 23 — Meeting at 7 pm
Thursday, Feb 18 — Meeting at 7 pm
Tuesday, Feb 16 – midwinter break — no meeting
Thursday, Feb 11 — Meeting at 7 pm
Tuesday, Feb 9 — Meeting at 7 pm
Thursday, Feb 4 — VWS — Meeting after VWS event (around 8:30 pm)
Tuesday, Feb 2 — Our first meeting at 7 pm!
Friday, Jan 29 — Submission deadline (midnight)
Monday, Jan 18 — Co-editor applications due
We hope you keep these dates in mind and keep your creative minds whirling during break! Submit, submit, submit! We are so excited to see/workshop/showcase your talent!
Here are a couple reminders that were included in our last blog:
We are hiring for two new co-editors early in the semester (interviews will commence at the end of January). Attached is the Opus Co-editor application. This is a paid position and a time commitment, so please review the application carefully. You will need two recommendations, so plan accordingly. If you have any questions, please contact either Abby (Abigail.klett@hope.edu) or me (Sadina.brott@hope.edu).
We will also be hiring a new art editor and a new prose editor around the end of next semester, so keep your eyes open for that. These are also paid positions.
Opus is hoping to push the boundaries even further next semester in terms of what kind of content we collect. We were impressed by how this semester’s material was very personal, poignant, and bold. These pieces dealt with issues that most college students deal with but are rarely represented in the media or in everyday conversations. Because of this, we feel that Opus has fulfilled its mission to represented a voice of campus that represents the diversity of the student body of Hope College.
WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO KEEP CREATING OVER BREAK SO YOU CAN SUBMIT YOUR AMAZING WORK IN JANUARY. We hope that you will spend some time writing or making art in order to relax and express yourself in your well-deserved time off.
If you are interested in getting involved or would like to hear more about Opus, please feel free to contact anyone on the Opus team or email Opus (opus@hope.edu). Another blog will be released soon with more specific dates of when meetings and submission deadlines will be happening (probably at the end of this next week).
Thanks for reading, and good luck on exams!
~ Sadina Brott
P.S. Here are a few things to make you smile, because why not.

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